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Current Team


What teams will the Home School Saints play?  

Opponents for the Home School Saints are coming from several sources.  The Home School Saints are part of the Louisiana Homeschool Football Association.  Home school teams include Acadiana Homeschool and Christian Home Educator Fellowship of Baton Rouge.  We also play against private schools such as New Iberia Senior High School.  We also play against private school teams from  Mississippi like Centreville Academy.  The Saints can also play certain junior varsity teams from area schools.  


How much travel is involved?

Practices are held at Ponchartrain Park in New Orleans.  Home games are held at Muss Bertolino Stadium in Kenner, Louisiana.  Away games are in locations such as Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Bogalusa. 


Are there many home school boys playing football?

Yes!  In the past ten years, home school football teams have rapidly expanded nationally.  Not only have teams formed across the country, but whole leagues of home school teams have been created.  There are over 40 home school football teams in the U.S.  Click here to see a map of those teams.


Why should home school boys play football?

There are many great reasons to play football.  According to John Eldredge's Wild At Heart, every boy wants to know if they have what it takes to be a man.  With the proper attitude and encouragement, boys grow into men on the football field.  Few sports teach selflessness and teamwork like football.  High school football is safer than some other sports.  


President Theodore Roosevelt said it best during a speech at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on April 23, 1910:  "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."


What is the time commitment to play with the Home School Saints?

Each player is expected to attend all practices and games.  That commitment requires three attendances per week.  Before the first game, the team will practice on Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.  During the season, the schedule will not change.  The team will practice every Tuesday evening.  The team will also practice on Thursday evenings if there is a Saturday game or practice on Saturday mornings if there is a Thursday evening game. 


To make the most of a varsity team sports experience, consider how to prepare during the offseason.


What are the options for home school boys in Louisiana who want to play tackle football?

There are not many options.  Currently, the Home School Saints, Acadiana Home School, and CHEF of Baton Rouge are the only 11-man home school football teams in Louisiana.  After attempts during past legislative sessions, concerned home schooling parents successfully passed a law allowing home school boys to play with their local LHSAA public or private schools.  


How are home school families finding out about the Home School Saints?

The Home School Saints sends information to many New Orleans home school groups:  CHEF GNO, CHEF River Parishes, Northshore Home Educators Association, CHEF Slidell, Grace Home Educators, CHEF St Charles Parish, Westbank Homeschool Organization, Key Home School, and Agnus Dei.  Also, the Home School Saints are part of the National Home School Sports Network


What is the cost?

The cost for one child is $300 plus a $100 deposit to offset insurance costs which includes all equipment (practice shirt,, pants, game jersey, shoulder pad and helmet).  If you have a 2nd player from the same family, the cost is reduced for that player to $250 registration plus the $100 deposit to offset the insurance cost.  If you have a 3rd player from the same family, the cost is reduced for that player to $200 registration plus the $100 deposit to offset the insurance cost.  All additional players from the same family will be $200 registration plus the $100 to offset the insurance cost.  There is financial assistance if needed on a limited basis. Also, the players are given the opportunity to fund raise, and 50% of what they sell will offset their fees.


What is not provided?

You will have to provide cleats, socks, a mouthguard, and anything worn under the shoulder pads and girdle.  During games, black socks and black cleats are preferred.  If you player wants a towel, a black towel is the only color towel you can use during the game


What is the program's history?

The Home School Saints started with a varsity football program in 2009 with a total of 18 players. It has reached a high of 44 players, enough to even create a JV team, but on average consists of 25 players. In 2016 the team participated in its first national tournament in Panama City, Florida, and took second place in its division.


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